CHASING BUSH II: Operation Manticore
The year was 2003. It was the dawn of the flash-mob and George W. Bush had just invited himself to the UK for a photo-opportunity. Plans to stage a mass-mooning were complicated by several last-minute cancellations and a developing hit-and-run strategy involving secret 'public' events. The moblog Chasing Bush was created in response to this, leading to a great deal of outrage on right-wing websites and even a threat of partial closure of the London mobile network.
Eventually Bush had to admit that he wasn't going to get his 'man of the people' photo opportunity in London, so he buggered off to Sedgefield, and even there a planned protest was neatly fenced off.
This time, we're not going to make life easy for Dubya by announcing our plans all over Teh Internets.
George W. Bush will visit Britain on or about 15 June 2008 as part of a wider tour of European nations.
We understand the need for his lame-duck tour of Europe, so George is welcome to stop by, state his business, shake hands and push off. However, any public/staged event(s) beyond that will be at the mercy of Operation Manticore.
What is Operation Manticore?
Ah, that would be telling...