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Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Caption Contest


sick-puppet said...

"Would you mind erasing that one of me sniffing the edge of my Margarita?"

2:06 PM, January 26, 2007  
JD said...

"That's my image. You have no right to use my face! Take it off your camera! I AM CALLING MY LAWYER!"

3:24 PM, January 26, 2007  
Myke said...

We've got enough man-ass, Guido. Lets move on to the upskirt shots.

3:35 PM, January 26, 2007  
i am not a device. said...

This is how how yu tune the timer.

says the misguided youth to the fresher.

4:38 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous said...

Guido: "So I smear some duck fat on this thing, slip it up my arse, and the guys over at Conservative central office can control me remotely."

Dave: "The things they can do. Hey Gideon, have you seen this?"

9:17 PM, January 26, 2007  
Rnwy said...

"So all you have to do is set the timer and run."

12:07 AM, January 27, 2007  

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