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Tuesday, April 19, 2005 

A chance to meet Charles

I happened across a copy of theTimes today, which helpfully informed me that Charles Kennedy was appearing in Guildford this afternoon.

A quick call to the Lib Dems and I had a time and location, so here I am at the University of Surrey (Duke of Kent building), playing the role of Independent Observer.

I hope to meet Sue Doughty for the first time and maybe even get a moment with Charles, but we'll see what happens. Job comes first.

Y'see, I found out that there was a group of young Tory activists determined to disrupt the event. I already have a shot or two of them standing rather forlornly in the rain with their little Anne Milton posters, and I'll share that and a full report with you later.

I have to go now... Charles is running late, but not that late.

Cheers all.


A pretty fair account of what actually happened at Guildford - we couldn't have guessed that white smoke would issue from the Vatican at just the same time, nor I suppose could His (rather new) Holiness Benedict XVI. See what you can find out about the "Churches Together" meeting tonight (19/4) with all the MP candidates: looked as if it was about to get interesting when I had to go. Dipstick had fangs bared to eat at least one of the panellists....

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I was there... and yes, it did get interesting after you left. The people organising the meeting clearly tried to keep Iraq off the agenda, so I was forced to stand up express my astonishment. And when Anne gave her 'honest' opinion on Iraq, I was forced to interject.

I'll blog it tomorrow, most likely.

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    Hi. I'm Tim. I live in Guildford. I've built a few political weblogs here and there. If you're wondering why I decided to start this particular blog, click here.


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