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The Star Wars Photoshopping Project


Click here to see the SWPP poster. The Star Wars Photoshopping Project Screensaver. Click here to see the SWPP t-shirts.

SWPP Page (2)

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Star Wars - Red Dwarf

A multiple dimension-jump here. Ace leads the team back to Starbug and freedom. What a guy!

Star Wars - Ghost

Now it's getting a little bit disturbing. "The man may be a ghost, honey - but that gun be real!"

Star Wars - Blackadder

The first new request off the production line: "Edmund.. who's Queen?"

Star Wars - Cheers

"Lilith, you have to wear the hairpiece, it's part of the costume!"

Star Wars - Get Smart

"OK Hymie, show 'em what you're made of!"

Star Wars - Rocky Horror Picture Show

A science-fiction double feature? But of course...

Note - the collection has now grown to a point where I have to present it on multiple pages. Click to continue:

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