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The Star Wars Photoshopping Project


Click here to see the SWPP poster. The Star Wars Photoshopping Project Screensaver. Click here to see the SWPP t-shirts.

SWPP Page (10)

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Star Wars - Blakes 7

Han falls in with a bad crowd. Amazing to think that I got all this way without referencing Blakes 7. Sorry there's no man-nips.

Star Wars - CHiPs

Not a bad effort for a couple of biker homos. This picture signifies the official return of my mojo.

Star Wars - Stand By Me

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had during the rebellion. Jesus, does anybody?”

Gordie's still a bit shaken up after his encounter with the giant space-leech in the garbage compacter, but he’s ready to confront Vader and tell him to ‘suck my fat one.’

Star Wars - Friends

The One Where Joey and Chandler Rescue Leia.

Star Wars - The Professionals

"I've watched his back, he's watched mine, we're both still alive."

Note - the collection has now grown to a point where I have to present it on multiple pages. Click to continue:

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