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The Star Wars Photoshopping Project


Click here to see the SWPP poster. The Star Wars Photoshopping Project Screensaver. Click here to see the SWPP t-shirts.

SWPP Page (7)

Pg 1 - Pg 2 - Pg 3 - Pg 4 - Pg 5 - Pg 6 - Pg 7 - Pg 8 - Pg 9 - Pg 10 - Pg 11 - Pg 12 - Pg 13 - Pg 14 - Pg 15 - Pg 16 - Pg 17 - Pg 18 - Pg 19

Star Wars - Colour by Numbers

I've decided to take it easy until after Christmas. Perhaps in the meantime you'd care to make your own...

Star Wars - James Bond

"Do be careful with that, 007! It's a fully primed thermal detonator with a 5 second fuse!"
(Thanks to Pope Nick for this excellent and well-overdue suggestion.)

Star Wars - Life Of Brian

And blessed be Pope Nick for yet another excellent suggestion;
"I'm not really Princess Leia, honest. I was only pullin' yer leg!"

Star Wars - Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption

"I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our sector of space and made the tractor beams dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in the Death Star felt free."

Star Wars - From Dusk Till Dawn

"Seth, I'm telling you, I saw her signalling the stormtroopers!"

Note - the collection has now grown to a point where I have to present it on multiple pages. Click to continue:

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