The Valentines Day massager

This entry was posted on
Monday, February 14th, 2005
9:18 am and is filed
under UK General Election 2005.

OK, we’re officially in campaign season.

The starting gun won’t be fired until early April, but Labour’s launch of their vacuous pledges and Blair’s helicopter dash make it clear that the race has already begun.

There have been a number of concerns raised about the Backing Blair campaign. Well, three to be exact…

1. Our aims need to be clearer from the main page onwards.

That’s true. A change to the intro text is being made today.

2. Can’t we work instead to improve the system that has let us down so badly?

In the next 8 weeks? Unlikely. Let me put it this way: we’d just love to make some improvements to our home, but we thought we might extinguish the fire in the kitchen first.

3. You want me to vote Tory? F**k off!

Good to see that people are so angry and disturbed by Blair’s leadership that they’re willing to give him a jolly good slap. Well, perhaps not a slap. Maybe a bit of a ticking off. Or perhaps a polite letter. Perhaps we’d best not mention it and carry on as if nothing is happening. Maybe if we give him one more chance…

We’ve added a major post to the blog and incorporated a link to it into the aforementioned intro text. You can read that post here…

Tories and terrorism.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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