Category Archives: Old Media

OK, let’s have it

Times – Channel 4 in row over mosque film Transcripts, please. Raw footage. All I’m seeing on Channel 4 right now is Krishnan Guru-Murthy acting like Iain Dale. UPDATE – AHAHAHAHAHA! At the close, Krishnan made a point of mentioning … Continue reading

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Writer wrong on the right and wrongs

Oliver Kamm – A parody of democracy (mirror) Blogs are providers not of news but of comment? Sorry, but facts, facts, facts lurk here, despite my also making clear my opinion when I reveal those facts. These facts were not … Continue reading

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Go Green, Vote Kablooey

There’s a lovely howler on the front page of the Independent today. Why don’t you relax and enjoy that and the latest Britblog round-up? I’ll be with you shortly.

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Gossip, gossip, gossip

Who are the country’s leading scandal-mongers and when will Guido get a look-in?

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One swept over, the other swept under

The World Press Photo Of The Year 2004 is likely to be seen by many more people than the World Press Photo Of The Year 2003. I’m sure you can work out why.

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The War on Christmas: How it goes global

A quick answer to an important question.

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Established Media: the Necessity of Arrogance and Ignorance

If you’re a seasoned web user, then it probably hasn’t escaped your attention that much of what is published and/or broadcast about the internet is usually bullshit – and mostly negative. Please excuse me for having an opinion, but it … Continue reading

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