Go on, cheer up – I dare you!

This entry was posted on
Thursday, January 27th, 2005
5:32 pm and is filed
under Flash Music Video, Games and Objects.

(sings) We’rrrrrre out of Pampers, oh no-ho! Lots of other Flash stuff on this site; some good, some bad.

More Yeti nonsense (but nowt to do with Yetisports, by the looks of things).

Spin your wheels for a bit.

Dare you compete in Iron Chef America? (Takes ages to load; hang in there.)

A very good take on Asteroids.

Finally, a I have a lovely Quicktime movie for you: Muppets Over Time

And – if you have the bandwidth for it – Harry Shearer and Dan Castenella on The Conan O’Brien Show (32Mb WMV file – link via BigdaddyMerk). Normally the cast members of the Simpsons appear in person and do their voices it gets pretty tired pretty quickly (and you learn to appreciate how important the writing is on that show)… but this appearance is a real treat.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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