Labour launches election slogan

This entry was posted on
Thursday, February 3rd, 2005
5:26 pm and is filed
under UK General Election 2005.

labour sloganGuardian – Labour unveils election slogan: Labour will fight for a third term under the slogan “Britain: Forward Not Back”, Alan Milburn announced today. Rejecting claims that the election motto was “vacuous”, the election strategist said it “symbolised the choice before the British people”. The slogan, on a red and green background, was agreed at a political meeting of the cabinet this morning, and will be unveiled at the party’s spring conference in Gateshead next week. In a press conference which also saw the return of Alastair Campbell to the party’s campaign machine, Mr Milburn told reporters: ” People know we are not perfect, they know we have not done everything we or they would want us to. But they believe the country is moving in the right direction and they don’t want to reverse course.”

1. Yes, because Tony’s “no reverse gear” moment went down so well.
2. That choice of last word is rather unfortunate, given how fond Blairites are of prouncing ‘Iraq’ as the Americans do. Did nobody bring this up at their meeting?
3. Hey, everyone! Alastair’s back!
4. “We must go forward, not backward, upward, not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!” – Kodos

(end communication)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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