Backing Blair – 2nd London MeetUp

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, March 9th, 2005
9:30 am and is filed
under UK General Election 2005.

Last night’s Backing Blair meeting was a success. We have one mini-campaign on the roll (I’ll tell you more about it later; it’s a hoot) and we also discussed possibilities and options for other London campaigns and ways of improving these and the wider campaign.

I also showed those at the meeting a sneak preview of the second Backing Blair video, which should go live later today.

(UPDATE – Or perhaps tomorrow morning.)

Oh, and I can tell you that we definitely had a spy at the meeting. But that’s a good thing. Because his name is David Shayler and I’m going to build him a weblog the moment Craig Murray’s is finished.


I’ll tell you more about that when I’m able.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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