Living in a Tory wonderland

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
9:29 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs.

Murdoch’s bitch-slapping of Blair continues in The Sun, with news that the NHS is in crisis and patients are sleeping in offices.

They urge you to buy today’s paper so you can; see the shocking picture that sums up the disgraceful state of the NHS – a hospital so overcrowded that patients are forced to sleep in an OFFICE… It shows that despite 398 billion being pumped into health in the eight years since Tony Blair came to power, the state of medical services is still a scandal.

There’s not much to see, really; just a desk, a filing cabinet, and… an empty bed!

Still, their cartoonist manages to convey this shocking state of affairs by comparing the arrangement to a gypsy camp.

And the Page 3 girl is onside, of course…

Today Ruth (22, from Kent, and badly in need of a sandwich) is horrified to learn (that) patients are being housed in offices. She says: “It’s quite disgraceful that this should happen because there is no room on the wards. How would NHS bosses like that to happen to their sick relatives?”

Meanwhile, the Tories may or may not be making an issue of abortion (read post *and* comments).

Also, Neil has popped up to point out the following detail on the Conservative website: Any person living in the United Kingdom is eligible to join the Conservative Party. Applicants are not required to be registered voters or UK nationals.

Perhaps we should do a recruitment drive targeting all them illegal terrorist asylum seekers that want to sleep with our jobs and blow up our women.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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