This entry was posted on
Monday, February 6th, 2006 at
3:06 pm and is filed
under Photoshopping.
Yes, I could throw some fuel onto the cartoon bonfire, but I really don’t want to… so have some Ruth Kelly Vs. Egg action instead.
Telegraph – Ruth Kelly hit by egg outside court
UPDATE – Beau Bo d’Or on yet another topic
UPDATE – OK, OK… one for the cartoon crowd, but only because it contains Larson.
UPDATE – Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sun editorial (07 Feb): Ruth Kelly is no great shakes as an education supremo. But that does not excuse the fanatic who pelted her with eggs. Why should any public figure be subject to such humiliation? The actions of Fathers 4 Justice – including threatening to kidnap Tony Blair’s lad, Leo – verge on terrorism.
For those who came in late:
Bloggerheads – Evil plots
Bloggerheads – Leo Blair – hijacked, not kidnapped
By richard February 6, 2006 - 7:15 pm
Could I be done for inciting terrorism if I said that I hoped Hazel Blears was next in line for some oeuf action?!
By Scaryduck February 7, 2006 - 1:20 pm
Richard: According to today’s Sun editorial – yes.
By Manic February 7, 2006 - 1:53 pm updated:o)