Show me you’re nuts

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, January 17th, 2007
11:47 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs.

Post of the day, and no mistake:

Obsolete – Scum-watch: Feeble corrections and the whimpering of an exposed page 3 girl

I especially love the part where The Scum chide another newspaper for being ‘downmarket’.


I’m also tempted to find/download* the tape just so I can see if young Keeley chugs as enthusiastically for her boyfriend as she does for Rebekah Wade:

Here’s Keeley Hazell being shocked at the sick rants of Omar Bakri Mohammed for Rebekah Wade

Here’s Keeley Hazell bagging Clare Short for Rebekah Wade

Here’s Keeley Hazell slagging off Gordon Brown for Rebekah Wade

Here’s Keeley Hazell praising Rebekah Wade for saving a whale carcass

Remember, folks; Page 3, not unlike Guido’s blog, is just a harmless bit of fun until someone puts an eye out.

(*Please be aware that many sites discussing this tape have seen fit to issue a ‘repeated images of hairy man-ass’ warning. Oh, and for those who don’t get the headline, I offer this link to an alternative NSFW video.)

UPDATE – There’s more on the other matter and the resulting ‘cursory four-line apology’ here.

UPDATE – How PR works: 1, 2, 3

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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