This entry was posted on
Saturday, March 17th, 2007 at
10:00 pm and is filed
under Consume!.
And the winner is… (overly long pause)… Cyndi!
(terribly awkward pause)
No! Wait! Erm… it’s Scooch!
Totally unprofessional.
I wasn’t impressed with Cyndi’s entry, but no performer deserves to be humiliated like that on live television.
PS – “Would you like something to suck on for the landing, sir?”… WTF? It looks like we are headed for a Conservative Benny Hill government after all. Maybe every country *does* get the Eurovision entry they deserve.
By Jangliss March 18, 2007 - 3:10 am
That was scary. I imagine that even the Moldova preliminary candidates could hold a tune better than that.
By septicisle March 18, 2007 - 4:48 pm
Nul points here we come.