Let us give thanks for Sarah Palin…

This entry was posted on
Friday, November 21st, 2008
12:18 pm and is filed
under US Presidential Election 2008.

… the gift that keeps on giving:

(Psst! You may wish to move on to the next item if you’re vegetarian or in any way sensitive about the origin of your Thanksgiving/Christmas/Winterval turkey.)

Palin Enjoys The Levity Of A Turkey Slaughter (via)

Raw Story – Palin pardons turkey as bird bleeds out on camera: In 1963, President Kennedy decided to let the White House turkey live instead of making dinner of it. George Bush Sr. was the first president since to pardon a seasonal fowl, in the waning months of 1993, and his son followed suit through his presidency. Now Alaska Governor and failed Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has mimed presidential tradition, but her effort at winged mercy was ‘cut’ short. As she staged an impromptu press conference after pardoning one lucky bird, a worker at the Triple D Farm and Hatchery in Wasilla sliced a turkey’s neck, bled it out and twisted its head off behind the governor, directly in the camera’s line of fire. A reporter asked Palin if she was okay with the backdrop. The Alaskan Governor answered, “no worries.”

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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