It’s all on Lambie

This entry was posted on
Friday, March 13th, 2009
7:19 pm and is filed
under Old Media.

I now have chatted via email with Peter Hill (editor of the Daily Express) and Martin Townsend (editor of the Sunday Express) and Derek Lambie (editor of the Scottish Sunday Express).

Here’s what we’re looking at:

While Martin Townsend may be Derek Lambie’s boss and while all three titles may share a single website (where the article also featured), each title is distinct in a way, and – to cut a long story short – it’s all on Lambie.

The official position is that the Dunblane front-pager ran only in the Scottish Sunday Express, which makes it Derek Lambie’s problem*.

(*Until Derek decides to be unprofessional about his response in any way, or there are other conflicts or difficulties that warrant kicking it upstairs, obviously.)

So here’s what I’m going to do:

On Sunday, I am going to sit down with a copy of the Sunday Express and the Scottish Sunday Express.

I may or may not have cause to compare advertisements and produce a more focused list of advertisers… a lot depends on what kind of apology I see in the Scottish edition (if I see one at all) and if that apology appears buried in the ‘teens or on the front page where it belongs.

If an acceptable apology appears in the Scottish Sunday Express, I will be pushing for a copy of that same apology on the Express website, ideally hosted at (where the online version of the article was hosted before its removal).

Have a good weekend, folks.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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