Category Archives: Geekage
Sgt Streetwise
If you thought Life on Mars was awesome, prepare to be outcooled. Unparalleled excitement and drama awaits you after the fold, with the (partial) adventures of Sgt Streetwise!
Goodbye, Arthur C. Clarke
BBC – Obituary: Sir Arthur C Clarke I once read a wonderful short story about Arthur C Clarke, and I wanted to share the guts of it with you, even though I can’t for the life of me recall the … Continue reading
You look like you need cheering up
Unlax. The Vader Sessions will make your day. (No? OK, how about you go jump, then…?) UPDATE – See also: Star Trek sings Knights of the Round Table. Lots more of this kind of thing here.
Prepare to laugh yourself silly
Coffee. Down. Ready? Go: Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure
Star Wars Episode III – final trailer
The third and final trailer for Star Wars Episode III is now available the the great unwashed at the official Star Wars site. Those of you in the cheap seats may have to settle for the transcript. If you want … Continue reading
Some help for the mobile phone addict in your life
Timely intervention. You know it makes sense. (Links directly to PDF file.)
What Are You Doing On May the 11th? – A Douglas Adams Tribute
Douglas Noel Adams March 11th, 1952 – May 11th, 2001 If you’re here reading this page, then it’s a fair bet that you felt an affiliation with DNA and have a vague notion that you might somehow wish to mark … Continue reading