Category Archives: UK General Election 2005

Backing Blair – more constituency updates

The tactical voting advice at Backing Blair has been updated.

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Teh Tory Fear – a different viewpoint

Guardian – Blair is set for a third term – and it’s a chilling prospect: A prominent businessman said to me last week: “You can feel this government cracking up. Everything around Blair feels rotten. The end is in sight.” … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

David Shayler to stand against Tony Blair

Scotsman – Rebel Spy to Stand Against Blair in Election: Renegade spy David Shayler is to stand against the Prime Minister in the forthcoming general election, it was confirmed today. Mr Shayler, jailed for six months in 2002 for revealing … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 10 Comments

Tony Blair’s pants are on fire

BBC – MP thrown out over Blair war jibe: An MP has been thrown out of the House of Commons chamber after claiming that Tony Blair had “misled” Parliament over the Iraq war. The Commons speaker ordered Plaid Cymru’s Adam … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | 5 Comments

Gareth Bloody Davies

Is a patronising git. And that’s one of his better qualities.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

More on Milton

Just to let you know, there’s a tale of two Mikes developing on my new Anne Milton weblog.

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Abort! Abort! Abort!

Dear God, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion… Guardian – Support Tories over abortion, cardinal tells Catholics: The head of the Catholic church in England and Wales broke with tradition yesterday by questioning Labour policy and urging … Continue reading

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A Happy Birthday for Tony Blair?

It’s just occurred to me that – if the general election takes place when everyone expects it will – then Tony Blair will have something to celebrate on the following day no matter what happens.

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I can’t believe I forgot to mention this…

If you wish to vote on May 5 (which is probably when we are going to have a general election) then you have until 5pm today to double-check that you are on the roll and/or get yourself on it. UPDATE … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment

Backing Blair – Video II now live

Here you go – don’t try to read all of the text in one sitting. There is a third video in the works (which will address the whole matter of Blair’s manipulation of the terror threat) and there may even … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 12 Comments