Perhaps now we’ll see some action…

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006
12:23 pm and is filed
under Anne Milton.

This is a copy of another email I’ve just sent to relevant parties attached to Anne Milton’s office, Conservative Central Office, and the Learning & Skills Council regarding the antics of Dennis Paul and/or Mike Chambers (my earlier email can be read here):

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I now have proof that Mike Chambers is directly responsible for the weblog that aired unsubstantiated claims that his political opponent was a paedophile:

Given that you are all senior representatives of organisations that Mike Chambers claims to represent, I would appreciate a statement from each of you about the appropriateness of such action before 5:30pm today.


Tim Ireland

I kind of new at this, so please forgive the following question:

If someone doesn’t reply to your email, and you know that they’ve received/read it, does that count as an official ‘no comment’…?

UPDATE (5:23pm) – Thanks for replies (under comments). Almost all of the people I’ve alerted have checked in or been chased up. Here’s the response so far:

The Learning & Skills Council finally got back to me. Their basic line is that the matter is still being investigated, and while “Mr Chambers has previously been warned not to use the LSC’s system for his private activities,” they cannot be held responsible for what he does out of work hours. This response completely ignores the fact that they as an organisation can quickly and easily bring this matter to a swift conclusion because – when Mike Chambers was posting using their time and facilities – he established a connection between himself and the ‘Jonesy’ blog. They hold, and have withheld, evidence that would have shut this down long before I was forced to go public with it. No statement regarding the appropriateness of this kind of behaviour has been delivered.

I had to chase Conservative Central Office on this matter by phone. They have ‘referred it to the local association’ (Guildford Conservatives) for action. When pressed for a statement regarding the appropriateness of this kind of behaviour (i.e. anonymously airing claims that your direct political opponent is a paedophile) they delivered a stern “no comment.”

Guildford Conservatives have yet to respond. But Anne Milton’s office was in touch earlier today; they continue to try and bluff their way through by insisting that the ‘third party’ get directly in touch with them. This position suggests that they have *nothing* to say about the website set up to smear myself (a constituent) by a current local party campaigner and a former member of Anne Milton’s campaign team. Further, they appear to hold the position that it’s OK for one of their number to anonymously and viciously smear a political opponent, so long as that opponent doesn’t complain about it. I think that this alone makes a statement regarding the appropriateness of this kind of behaviour surplus to requirements, but I’ll continue to press.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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