This entry was posted on
Monday, January 24th, 2005 at
9:00 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs.
Today The Sun is fighting back against Misery Monday “to give you some FUN on the most depressing day of the year.”
To combat depression and/or prove this boffin wrong (no doubt he’s a killjoy leftie) they’ve “peppered the site/paper with happy stories” and provided readers with a long-overdue break from right-wing propaganda on Page 3.
Today, ‘cheery’ Neval (21, from London) helps put a smile on our faces by getting her boobs out and says: “How can it be ‘Misery Monday’, the most depressing day of the year? I’m here on Page 3 to brighten the day for Sun readers. I’ll know they’ll make the breast of it.”
That near-classic pun is the icing on the cake. It almost makes up for the ‘happy’ story about the Yorkshire Ripper on the front page.
Remember, folks…
Page 3 = Harmless Fun
… and anybody who says otherwise is trying to take away your will to live!
Stay happy.
By Mary January 24, 2005 - 3:53 pm
Maybe we should declare this bare breast day, butt, would barely cover the Bushco cr*p. Keep it coming, Tim.