Two notes on the neo-Nazi skinhead plot

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
10:16 am and is filed
under Normal People, Tolerance, US Presidential Election 2008.

AP – Skinhead plot news sweeps suspect’s Tenn. hometown: Authorities describe the two as neo-Nazi skinheads, and an affidavit from a federal agent says they devised a plot to kill 88 people – beheading 14 of them. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community. The killing spree was initially to target a predominantly black school, which was not identified in court documents. It was to end, authorities said, with the two suspects — dressed in white tuxedos and top hats – blasting guns from the windows of a speeding vehicle aimed at Obama.


Just in case you’re in any doubt about Matt Drudge being as big a right wing tool as Paul ‘thirsty’ Staines, it needs to be noted that Drudge used his ridiculously-huge headline spot to push the lies of race-baiter Ashley Todd, but when news emerged of a plot by neo-Nazi skinheads to shoot their way into Obama’s heart, Drudge instead ran with this huge non-story ‘seed of doubt’ item about that candidate, ran this race-related item as a much smaller item buried amongst the dross, and even put the word ‘skinhead’ in quotation* marks:

Partisan twat.

(*No, the news item he linked to did not do this.)


You know, when I go on one of my killing sprees hunting expeditions, what I like to do is shoot every goddamn mouse and rabbit in the field before I move on the big game.

Just to make a statement. About my genius.

UPDATE – Better make that three.


The website Sarah’s Army (hosted at has been widely credited as a major pusher of Ashley Todd’s lies. The author of this site (David Leazenby) pushed the story as undisputed fact and even signed off with the words; “THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!”

But rather than admitting a mistake in an updated version of his post (which many right wings bloggers have done) the author has simply ‘disappeared’ his original article, just to show how sincere he is when he jumps up and down and declares all leftists to be communist operatives pushing an Orwellian future. (If you would like to bitch about that, watch others bitch about that, or simply read the author’s pissweak explanation for dumping his entire article down a nearby memory hole, start here.)

OK, enough background… let’s get to it.

Take a look at the prominent and none-too-subtle message that greets all visitors to his website. Yes, I’ve checked; this is a permanent fixture that greets all visitors…

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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