This entry was posted on
Thursday, February 4th, 2010 at
11:46 am and is filed
under Tories! Tories! Tories!.
Gina Khan is a 40-something woman who speaks out against radical Muslims, with a focus on the rights of women born into Muslim society. As the Times reports, the price she has paid for this is intimidation at the hands of cowards:
Already Khan has had bricks through her car window for speaking out locally about domestic violence and sexual abuse, issues that are taboo in the Muslim community. (source)
I find it odd, then, that Gina Khan is also a listed ‘officer’ of the Facebook group, ‘Cheerleadered!’; i.e. the group of people who have been repeatedly publishing my ex-directory home address online citing reasons that vary from baseless claims of alliances with extremists to false accusations of my stalking women. In a recent post I mentioned how they were recruiting people to do their dirty work for them with such false – and dangerous – accusations (more):
There are some people who may be able to claim distance from these attacks with some credibility, but Gina is not one of them;
1. She is no mere Facebook ‘friend’ or ‘member’, but a listed ‘officer’ at the main site for this gang of mostly-anonymous thugs. Her name appears in a very short list alongside that of the new recruit mentioned above, plus Farah Damji, who was recently sentenced to 15 months for fraud and forgery in “a scheme dripping with dishonesty at every conceivable corner” (and I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn that the Cheerleaders have been using all-too-familiar bullying tactics in her defence).
2. Gina Khan was CCed on an email threatening me with violence for daring to ask her (and others) about their relationship with the Cheerleaders.
3. At the time, we were assured by one of the ringleaders that Gina herself would ‘tear me a new one’ for daring to attempt contact. No such orifice-creating intervention took place, but Gina Khan did nothing to distance herself from the group, the original threats and attacks, or the further* threats and attacks made on her behalf.
4. Gina Khan is not only connected to the ‘Cheerleaders’, she is connected to conman Dominic Wightman, and appears to have introduced one to the other. Before he was outed as a conman and exploding with proxy hostility, Dominic Wightman had this to say about Gina Khan and head Cheerleader Charlie Flowers (the man who challenged me to a fist fight in Gina’s name and went on to issue further* threats of data misuse on her behalf):
“I met [Charlie Flowers] the month before [Feb 2008] after I had been put in touch by him online with Gina Khan” – Dominic Wightman (more)
There are further connections, such as Gina Khan taking part in two-part interview on Wightman’s Westminster Journal site, but this one clearly associates her with both Wightman and Flowers; she brought them together!
There can be little question about her awareness of what the ‘Cheerleaders’ are up to; at the very least she seems quite unconcerned about anonymous threats/attacks made on her behalf and how that might impact on her credibility as a moderate human rights and social cohesion campaigner.
Perhaps she’d care to break cover just long enough to deny involvement… or justify her actions to date.
If this post remains live, without relevant update or correction, then Gina Khan is still refusing to comment on the issue and is instead quietly siding with Dominic Wightman, Charlie Flowers, and the Cheerleaders. Any private denial is likely to based on a lie that cannot bear scrutiny, and does nothing to discourage the very acts Gina Khan claims to take a stand against.
(Over to Gina for what is expected to be an extended silence interrupted only by further threats from her thug mates.)
[*According to their more recent threats, my publication of their email addresses has led to these people being unduly/unjustly spammed, so they are going to pretend to be me (!) and share my home address (!) with Nigerian 419 scammers and the like until/unless I remove the following list of people/addresses CCed on these threats of violence; The Fighting Cocks UK (,,,, Jonny Yeah (,,, Plan B Booking (, Matthew Edwards ( Most of these addresses were visible to search engines – and therefore to spambots – long before I published them. Me, I suspect these threats have more to do with someone in this list regretting their involvement… at least to the extent of not wanting other people to know about it. So far, no-one on the list has been willing or able to publicly distance themselves from the dangerous, childish and malicious antics of the ‘Cheerleaders’.]
[** 23 Feb 2010 – Workable email address removed following a request to my provider made on behalf of Matthew Edwards.]
[*** 16 Mar 2010 – Followed by a copycat complaint on behalf of everybody else.]
[**** 04 May 2010 – Then I decided to move to a provider that couldn’t be bullied quite as easily and later reinstated the data when they turned up mouthing off again. They’re going to publish my home address then moan about publication of email addresses (associated with a threat of violence, no less)? Fuck ’em.]