Category Archives: BlogCode

Quick show-off on numbers

Yesterday BlogCode launched with 156 blogs in the database. 24 hours later, there are 502. A good first day. :o) UPDATE – We made it into Yahoo’s live database in 24 hours, Google’s in 32.

Posted in BlogCode | 4 Comments

Interesting matches on BlogCode

When first launched, we watched early matches with great interest. We were on the lookout for the quality matches and the quirky ones (one of the most interesting early matches was Animal Farm and A Christmas Carol). So, today, … Continue reading

Posted in BlogCode, Teh Interwebs | 1 Comment


OK folks, here it is… the Big Shiny New Thing I’ve been promising: – the weblog directory and recommendation tool is an initiative of StoryCode, the book-comparison project in which I have been proud to play a small … Continue reading

Posted in BlogCode, Teh Interwebs | 21 Comments