Category Archives: The Political Weblog Movement
Arsenal Muse is a sock-puppeting liar
[Note – This is somewhat Usmanov-related, but as it relates primarily to the use of sock-puppets, I’m filing it here. Cheers all.] Recently, someone using the name ‘Trat Urug’ has been making comments on Craig Murray’s website. You can see … Continue reading
Usmanov oozing ‘charm’ again
This Sunday Times article has been fisked here. Do let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Some of you may have missed the busy day over at the Alisher Usmanov blog yesterday. Go see.
Craig Murray is back online I’ve just fixed one final hassle with comments. Why not drop by and say ‘hello’?
Little boys in blogshorts
Man, that is a *lot* of effort for a little biscuit, when a simple post or email would have settled it, but I guess Paul Staines has seen better days and Phil “I have no reputation” Hendren is still busy … Continue reading
Keywords: ‘brown’ and ‘bottle’
Gordon, you’re a fool and an arsehole. What made you think that we’d be in a mood to hold our breath over your election plans after months of holding our breath over Blair’s departure? Dickhead.
Somewhere, right now, a Tory is screaming “Witch hunt!”
Via Tom: Kevin Maguire – Cam’s big speech con: If David Cameron’s audition to be a cable TV daytime host was unscripted, a line swallowed by many newspapers and broadcasters, can anyone explain why the “speech writer” was last night … Continue reading
How many MPs actually live in their constituency?
A big job goes begging…. A few Tories are up in arms over at Chicken Yoghurt, claiming that they’ve been misrepresented by Justin quoting them verbatim and linking to each and every source. The following thought occurred to me during … Continue reading
John Redwood’s cackhanded approach to comments
A quick blogging quiz for you: What’s wrong with this picture? (Apart from the rather obvious fact that he doesn’t actually answer my question.)
Bigoted Brits big it up for the Biased BBC weblog
I remember the good old days when the pathetic Biased BBC blog struggled for oxygen and the best they could hope for was some attention from Michelle Malkin, Instapundit and similar sources of right-wing ‘balance’ in the U.S. Sadly, those … Continue reading