Category Archives: The Political Weblog Movement

Call for nominations

Lookintomyeyesnotaroundtheeyeysbutintheyesalwaysintheeyes…and you’re under! You will nominate Boris Johnson for the Elected Representative award in the New Statesman New Media Awards. You will follow this link and do this without delay. Aaaaaand you’re back! (walks away whistling nonchalantly) UPDATE – Cheers, … Continue reading

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Hooray for Boris!

An announcement that gives me great pleasure… Boris Johnson – Happy New Year fellow bloggers!: So here’s my New Year Resolution – try to get down to the blog at least once a week. Do drop by and comment. Bob … Continue reading

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Daddy or chips?

Hey everyone! Tom’s back! [edit]: Damn and blast it… must you show so much love? Tom’s site will return early next week. Do try to avoid visiting as we (and by ‘we’, I mean ‘Clive‘) rebuild past posts and comments. … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Tim Yeo and his lust for glory!

Or perhaps power. We shall see. All you need to know for now is that my plan to back Tony Blair in the upcoming election won’t do Tim Yeo any harm at all. He fully expects his party to lose, … Continue reading

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Lessons the UK can learn from internet(s) use in the US elections

I went to this event last night: Online Campaigning: Lessons the UK can learn from internet use in US elections Here’s a write-up by Brian Wheeler. There were some interesting opinions and some bullshits ones. Some interesting statistics… and some … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

Sandra Gidley refuses to be shouted down

Go, go Sandra Gidley: I have absolutely no intention of changing the way I blog. Postings are all Sandra Gidley and the buck stops here. If this is to stay immediate and topical then the whole flavour of what I … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday To Me

A few comments came in yesterday and this morning about this YellowTimes article. The best noted quite rightly that it was ‘long on criticism but short on ideas for action.’ I must admit that I’ve been guilty of such articles … Continue reading

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