Category Archives: The Political Weblog Movement

Bye, Sam…

Former Google tea-boy Sam Roake is now a former Tory tea-boy. [Note – You may have difficulty with that link.] Sam should take comfort from the fact that whoever they parachuted in to take the site in a new, sudden … Continue reading

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Operation Circle Jerk

Paul Staines (aka ‘Guido Fawkes’), Iain Dale and Tim Montgomerie; what do these three people have in common… I mean, besides their awarding each other top billing in Iain Dale’s not-at-all-expert guide to political blogging? Here… watch them in action … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Not a good start, Gordon

The UK Today – Is Gordon Brown a spammer?

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Political Blogging Tip #1

If you no longer wish Iain Dale to link to your website, all you have to do is say something negative about him and/or link to Iain Dale’s Dairy and he will kindly remove that link for you: Iain Dale’s … Continue reading

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The ‘lone obsessive’ strikes again

Busy one today. You’ll have to ‘settle’ for three items of interest: Obsolete – The blogging counter-revolution Ministry of Truth – Freedom? What Freedom? Not Saussure – An interim announcement

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Worthy of comment

Iain Dale has no shame. UPDATE – Heh. I almost forgot that after the last time I linked to Comment Is Free and suggested that people (*gasp*) make a comment, the clever chap who sourced and sorted Iain Dale’s and … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 9 Comments

Best. Sock-puppeting. Ever.

In defence of Busharat…. check it out (more here). The logic cannot be argued with. I’m busy watching this and a few other last-minute online publications as election day draws nearer.

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This is a first… ‘bloggers’ objecting to deeplinks

Over the past few months (see this category page if you’re new here) I’ve made a number of claims about ‘lead bloggers’ Iain Dale and Paul Staines here at Bloggerheads, at Guido 2.0 and, more recently, at Iain Dale’s Dairy. … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 27 Comments

I dare Iain Dale and Paul Staines to read this in full…

… and maybe even (*gasp*) respond in an intelligent manner. Guido 2.0 – Honest John A fantastic contribution from Unity. UPDATE (30 April) – Not a peep out of either of them. Like most bullies, they turn out to be … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

A cunning plan to ease congestion

And I’m doing my bit just by linking to it… CalumCarr – EXCLUSIVE: Traffic Calming BTW, if you’re a relatively new blogger and you’ve blogged anything about your local council elections recently (stuff like this or this), then don’t hestitate … Continue reading

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