Category Archives: The Reality-Based Community

This is satire, yes?

Please tell me this is satire. (It is genuinely hard to tell these days. Take this entry on Fox News for example… it could easily be dismissed as satire if it weren’t for certain recent developments. ) UPDATE – Oh. … Continue reading

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Alastair Campbell needs to update his enemies list

Folks, I’d like you to meet James Clive Matthews.

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Keep the faith

Charlie Whitaker – I try but I fail Something’s coming… hang in there, folks.

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The Whisper Campaign

1. Whenever you walk past someone buying, holding or reading a copy of the Sun newspaper, say the following word under your breath: “wanker” 2. The prime whisper zone is anywhere just behind the target as you are passing by … Continue reading

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Play the man, not the ball

Guardian – Death in Bobur Square: The May 13 massacre of hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocent civilians at Andijan in eastern Uzbekistan was carried out by soldiers and paramilitary units dispatched to kill by the regime of President Islam Karimov … Continue reading

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Mo Mowlam passes away

BBC – Former minister Mo Mowlam dies A sensible woman who worked earnestly and tirelessly for peace. No wonder Blair’s team worked so hard on their little whispers about what might be wrong with her mind. (See Germain Greer’s comments … Continue reading

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We’ve lost a good man

Parliament’s integrity index just took a steep dive. The intelligence quotient isn’t looking too good either: BBC – Former minister Robin Cook dies Observer – An intellect that enthralled the House and made us think Independent – A man of … Continue reading

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Two very different people

Meet Allan Scullion. He has some issues with council tax. Meet Dennis Paul. He has some problems with reality.

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A message to the peeps who know Zack Exley

If (I repeat if) Zack Exley is on his way back to the U.S. I would ask those who know him best (or even those who know how to get in touch with him) to work towards cornering him in … Continue reading

Posted in The Reality-Based Community | 9 Comments

Thoughtcrime is death

I’d like to introduce you to Luca’s Ade. His new blog has an Orwellian focus and deals with it in much more depth than I could ever manage. Enjoy. UPDATE – On this most recent post; it’s worth pointing out … Continue reading

Posted in The Reality-Based Community, Uzbekistan | 3 Comments