There are already a few angry Tories buzzing about because I’m criticising their precious little darling Nadine Dorries so, to save time, here are two links from the sites of Nadine’s staunchest supporters, Iain Dale and Tim Montgomerie, showing that they clearly disapprove of use of taxpayer’s money for campaigning purposes…
Iain Dale – Labour MP Abuses Communications Allowance
ConHome – CCHQ highlights widespread abuse of parliamentary communications allowance by Labour MPs
… and I look forward to their blogging about it again soon because that’s just what Nadine Dorries has been doing via her website.
I should make it clear that as far as I can tell, Nadine’s website was and is – as stated on her website – funded from the Incidental Expenses Provision and not the new Communications Allowance, but I would advise any MP who is confused/concerned about such things to read The Communications Allowance and the use of House stationery (2.31MB PDF) because, until the Green Book is revised, it offers the most comprehensive guide available on websites paid for with the public’s money.
But in Nadine’s case the misuse of taxpayer’s money is clear and unarguable, so in this post we do not need to go any further than these extracts from Teh Green Book (870Kb PDF)
5.1.1. Scope of the allowance
The Incidental Expenses Provision (IEP) is available
to meet costs incurred on Members’ Parliamentary
duties. It cannot be used to meet personal costs,
or the costs of party political activities or campaigning.
5.13.4. Communications and travel
Allowable expenditure:
– Printing and sending newsletters, establishing
and maintaining websites.
Expenditure not allowable:
– Campaigning on behalf of a political party
or cause
– Communications or travel on personal or
party political matters
There are so many examples of Nadine breaking these clear-cut rules on her website – particularly in that section she laughingly describes as a ‘blog’ – that it’s hard to know where to start (or end) but I think a good example is her recent targeting of four Labour MPs over the abortion issue, as it ticks all the boxes; it’s personal in nature (though most of the purely personal entries on her blog are more vindictive than this) , it’s party-political (look at who she targets), and it’s done in support of a cause.
I’ll be quoting from those entries in full mainly because Nadine’s permalinks don’t work on her joke of a website that you and I paid for:
Nadine Dorries: Beyond The Limit
Posted Tuesday, 25 March 2008 at 11:45
Laura Moffatt. Labour MP, Crawley. Majority 37.
As a result of a number of polls, we know that the majority of the public, as many as 72 per cent, wish to see the upper limit at which abortion takes place, reduced from 24 to 20 weeks.
Many MPs, however, choose to use Parliament as a place to pander to their own preference, or ideology, rather than to represent the will of the people.
Each day, I am going to highlight MPs who may need to think very seriously when voting on the issue of reducing the upper limit to 20 weeks, because if they don’t, they may see their majorities wiped out at the next election.
Laura Moffat voted AGAINST counselling before the termination of pregnancy in 2007; and abstained during a vote to reduce the upper limit to 21 weeks.
I have no problem with abstention on an ethical conscience issue, if an MP truly does not want to compromise their own principles, and ensure that they do not misrepresent the majority of their constituents’ views.
However, trotting through the noe lobby on a 20 week amendment will be something entirely different.
If you know your MP’s voting intentions, please link to the Alive and Kicking campaign web site and let them know.
Nadine Dorries: Beyond The Limit (2)
Posted Wednesday, 26 March 2008 at 12:07
Barbara Follett MP. Labour. Stevenage. Majority: 3139.
Barbara Follett is the founder of Emily’s list, which provides financial help and assistance to women wishing to become Labour MPs. In order to receive funding they have to support Labour party values, and be pro-abortion.
This means that any potential candidate of faith, ie, Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Muslim or Hindu would not qualify, which makes the list discriminatory .
Barbara Follett MP has voted against reducing the upper limit and against a bill introduced to provide counselling and support.
72% of her constituents want the upper limit reduced to 20 weeks.
Will she represent their views at the next vote, or her own?
If you know your MP’s voting intentions, please link to the Alive and Kicking campaign web site and let them know.
Nadine Dorries: Beyond The Limit (3)
Posted Thursday, 27 March 2008 at 11:28
Jacqui Smith (Labour). Redditch. Majority: 2716.
Jacqui Smith has abstained during many abortion votes, however, she has taken funding from Emily’s list on the basis that she supports pro-abortion values.
As I’ve said before, abstention is fine if she feels that by voting for her pro-abortion beliefs she would be mis-representing her constituents. One to watch.
If you know your MP’s voting intentions, please link to the Alive and Kicking campaign web site and let them know.
Nadine Dorries: Beyond The Limit (4)
Posted Wednesday, 2 April 2008 at 10:21
Margaret Moran (Labour) Luton South. Majority: 5650.
Margaret Moran MP has abstained during many abortion votes, however, she has taken funding from Emily’s list on the basis that she supports pro-abortion values.
As I’ve said before, abstention is fine if she feels that by voting for her pro-abortion beliefs she would be mis-representing her constituents. One to watch.
If you know your MP’s voting intentions, please link to the Alive and Kicking campaign web site and let them know.
All but one of these entries included the following banner promoting her cause…
… and now she’s pushing the new 20 weeks website/campaign on the front page:
It’s too much. She’s stepped way, way over the line in pursuit of her anti-abortion agenda and she needs – and deserves – a damn good slapping for it.
UPDATE – Via Unity, a report that Nadine Dorries has campaigned as a pro-choice candidate. Heh. I’m not sure if this was *quite* what Dr Crippen was after…