A year without cigarettes

This entry was posted on
Thursday, February 26th, 2009
10:15 pm and is filed
under Consume!, It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!, The Political Weblog Movement, Updates.

It’s been a year since I smoked my last cigarette. I know that I’m never going back.

1. Stay away from cigarettes, kids! Be cool like your Uncle Tim and stick to the candy fags.

2. If you’re addicted to nicotine and you live in the UK Try. The. NHS. Stop. Smoking. Service. It’s bloody brilliant.

3. Bite me, Philip Morris. And your little dog, too. That’s £1650 you’ll never see. Fear my hearty laughter. Mwahahaha. And so on.

4. ‘Zero’ is the most perfect of all numbers. There should be more of it.

OK, job done. Back to the grindstone.

PS – Yay, Tom: Government levels the playing field for Open Source … oh, and thanks again for the NHS, and for the smoke-free environments, just in case that didn’t come across. Now, can we maybe tidy up this torture nonsense? Please? I’d be able to enjoy all of these benefits a lot more if they didn’t come at the cost of some poor soul having their genitals mutilated. It’s putting me off my tea.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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