Daily Mail Watch now live – fab prize up for grabs

This entry was posted on
Thursday, March 5th, 2009
12:58 pm and is filed
under Old Media.

The new and renewed Daily Mail Watch is now live.

Check out my personal intro post and those of the other editors for full details beyond this short mission statement from my intro:

The purpose of the site is simple; editors will be quietly documenting outright lies peddled by the Daily Mail, and seeking to bring this culture of fear and falsehood to the attention of those Mail readers curious enough to use a search engine or browse the evil underground world of weblogs.

(Note – Our search engine kung fu is strong. Soon it will be mighty.)

However… if you think I’m going to read the Daily Mail every single day from now on, you’re mental. I’m not going to ask any other editors to do what I’m not prepared to do myself, so I’m asking readers of Daily Mail Watch to keep an eye out for any outright lies in the Mail that our editors should be writing about, which should take the pressure off our editors, and make sure that important lies don’t pass without mention (even if they don’t result in a main-page report).

To this end I have just announced a special competition with a really neato prize; a Knife Crime Awareness Gift Pack that’s worth close to £200 (in theory).

Please share this good news with your friends.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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