Leave Boris Johnson a message

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
2:29 pm and is filed
under Tories! Tories! Tories!.

It’s recently become clear to me that Boris Johnson is lacking in the personal standards one should expect from a public servant. He is, in my experience, prone to taking the path of least resistance when he encounters the stench of corruption among his allies, regardless of potential risk to innocent parties.

I’ve decided to share that information with a few people by publicising the 1990 phone call with Darius Guppy.

Londoners are encouraged to print and display the poster below and/or call (0207) 0963708 to listen to their mayor. They can even leave a message if they like. Selected messages will be published at the brand new blog at http://boris-johnson.blogspot.com/

[For those who are wondering: No, I have no been sitting on that Blogger.com address for the better part of a decade :o) I checked only this morning and was amazed to see it was still available.]

Boris Johnson poster: click for A4-sized

Click to open in new window and print 2 x posters onto A4 paper

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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