Author Archives: Tim Ireland
About Tim Ireland
Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.Has Iain Dale been caught stealing from the BBC?
You can see Iain Dale bitching about the BBC and the dreadful waste of licence-payer’s money in one sense or another here, here and here. Meanwhile, if you look at the code for Iain’s dandy new site design, you will … Continue reading
Shane Greer: see you next Super Tuesday
Still no response from Shane Greer, who seems perfectly happy to declare that I’m “obviously unbalanced” and group me with a convicted stalker, and ignore any response to it while he pisses off to Washington, apparently in the company of … Continue reading
How to email Gordon Brown
———————- | SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – JANUARY 2009 |———————- Gordon Brown’s Downing Street team is no longer accepting email for the Prime Minister. This service has been down since August 2008, and some of us have been left wondering out just … Continue reading
Iain Dale’s inner childishness revealed
Well worth a look is John Hirst’s first foray into dedicated satire: Iain’s Daily Diary John totally nails Iain Dale on his outright hypocrisy right here. Enjoy. (Oh, and make sure that you applaud, otherwise John might next come after … Continue reading
FAUX News strikes again
A perfect example of their bullshit propaganda. In totally unrelated news, Karl Rove has now joined Murdoch’s FOX News Channel as an election coverage contributor.
Many comments now live over at Greer’s
Lots of freshly published material to read here, but still no response from Shane Greer (who gives his reason for a delay in publishing comments here). Mind you, Shane has published a comment from our old friend Praguetory declaring me … Continue reading
Iain Dale: once again condemned by his own words
No response from Shane Greer yet. No response from CCHQ yet. No response from Paul Staines and his tax lawyer, either. But at least Iain Dale has responded to this…. and if you have the stomach to watch him hiding … Continue reading
Share the love
You are invited to share this video with a creationist. (via) You are invited to share this video with a Bush supporter. (via) Actually, things being what they are (NSFW audio), in most cases you’ll be able to kill two … Continue reading
Keep on the sunny side
Sydney Morning Herald – Ads to woo British more sledge than sweet talk: Australia is to launch an aggressive campaign aimed at attracting a new generation of British immigrants. The ads for the South Australian Government include slogans such as … Continue reading
On the subject of stolen images
The Great Architect tells the tale of his struggle to protect his property… and also reveals something quite surprising about News International.