Category Archives: George W. Bush

Who in the Bush administration faces prosecution for what?

Not that anyone will actually go to prison, of course. That would be silly. But it’s nice to dream and informative diagrams are fun to play with: Slate – Crimes and Misdemeanors

Posted in George W. Bush | 1 Comment


Mail on Sunday – All The President’s Men: The unimaginable lengths needed to keep George Bush alive: For his recent trip to London, the work called on the expertise of 904 civilian staff from the Department of Defense, 600 from … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 2 Comments

The secret behind Operation Manticore

BBC – Protesters greet Bush’s UK visit AP – British police say up to 2,500 people show up to protest Bush and 25 arrested BBC – Three charged over Bush protests BBC – Brown and Bush in talks at No … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 14 Comments

“Found this spoon, sir!”

So I’m hanging around just outside a quieter edge of the security cordon and I watch two cops walk past, fresh from McDonalds with 8 cups of coffee… and a single McFlurry for one very special member of the team. … Continue reading

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[Operation Manticore] – an apology (in advance) as Bush visits London:

Independent – Campaigners accuse ministers over Bush visit: Anti-war campaigners have accused ministers of caving into American pressure by keeping protesters well away from a reception for George Bush in Downing Street tomorrow…. Scotland Yard said it had not banned … Continue reading

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Have you seen the state of Downing Street lately?

Let me tell you this for nothing; George W. Bush is unlikely to be ferried in through the front gate on Sunday: In fact, there are workmen busily removing scaffolding by the rear entrance today. The closure of Whitehall “for … Continue reading

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Bush was ignored* in Germany and attracted a modest 1000 protestors in Rome. Here, authorities are taking no chances; Brown has to make nice with George ‘Warmonger’ Bush and already there are red faces and Brown stuff everywhere. About the … Continue reading

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The silver lining

BBC – BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions: A BBC investigation estimates that around $23bn may have been lost, stolen or just not properly accounted for in Iraq. For the first time, the extent to which some private contractors have profited … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 2 Comments

(crosses fingers)

The Raw Story – Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles: Kucinich, a 2004 and 2008 Democratic candidate for the White House, abandoned a prior attempt to begin impeachment proceedings against Bush in January of this year. In April of 2007, Kucinich … Continue reading

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Best. Thing. Ever.

I should stress here that Boris Johnson is not – repeat, NOT – connected to Operation Manticore, but I do hope that he saves some choice words for George W. Bush when that cross-eyed Texan warmonger hits town. Get your … Continue reading

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