Category Archives: Teh Interwebs

BNP data grab bag

1. In-spired. Take a bow, Chris. – 2. And to expand on the point raised in that picture, here’s Justin: The crowning jewel of the story is that the BNP, who only this month called the Human Rights Act ‘surely … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Teh Interwebs, The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

BNP membership list leaked and published online

Register – BNP membership list leaks online: The British National Party has lost its membership list – the whole thing has been published online. The list includes names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all members up to September … Continue reading

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 18 Comments

Happy Posters: SOAS Student Union Common Room / Bar, London WC1H

Infiltration was relatively straightforward, and there’s no need to burden you with details. Upstairs and down; every speck of spare wall space is a noticeboard in the Student Union Common Room / Bar at the School of Oriental and African … Continue reading

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Happy Posters: Godalming GU17

The Happy Poster mission to Godalming on Saturday was just as revealing/rewarding as the 2004 mission, but rather than filing a full report I am instead going to suggest that you admire this single image of a sun-dappled noticeboard, because … Continue reading

Posted in Photoshopping, Teh Interwebs | 2 Comments

Blackwater GU17 is now <-- this much --> happier

Blackwater is a handy little place for a monthly shop; an Aldi lies right opposite a Lidl, and if you lose your head, there’s a giant M&S, Tesco and Sainsbury’s just across the way. But we mostly go there to … Continue reading

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Well, somebody has to do something…

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I take great pleasure in declaring The Happy Poster Project back online and open for business. I’ll not be putting any posters up until the weekend myself, but feel free to submit happy images … Continue reading

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Matti Juhani Saari (and assorted idiots)

An alert popped into my inbox at around 3am this morning, letting me know that Julie Moult finally returned to work late last night (almost a month after this embarrasment), apparently by ‘researching’ the vapour-trail left behind by Finnish gunman … Continue reading

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Oprah Winfrey royally trolled: this is your brain on paedo-fear

Oprah has gone all quiet, mid-campaign. Her official messageboard community and the user-powered blogs at have been closed for ‘maintenance’ for days. Here’s why: Oprah vs. over 9000 PENISES “Let me read you something that was posted on our … Continue reading

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Iain Dale slams dodgy poll. (No, seriously.)

Iain Dale hahahaha frowns on hahahahaha fellow ‘blogger’ hahahahaha selling out hahahahahaha with unscientific poll! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…. *breeeeeathe*… ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Can’t. Type. Or speak at normal. Rate. [unexpected intermission] Read more here. Oh, and make a futile attempt to have Iain recognise … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Teh Interwebs, The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Remember: September* 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Official site here. British HQ here. Enjoy. (*Why September? There be an Arrrrr! in the month.)

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