Category Archives: Teh Interwebs

Eclectic link dump #9

Watch this. Pause. *Then* read this. This is funny. This isn’t. (This is mildly amusing, though.) Christian Voice begs for cash. Here are some lip-syncing tips for Flash animation. The voices! The voices! Look! A squirrel! I had a play … Continue reading

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Shiny happy people

The Happy Poster Project is enjoying a revival thanks to this little outing at Metafilter. Scott (who has recently learned that Teh Beatles are evil) has reported turning up to work to see one of the posters gracing a colleague’s … Continue reading

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Vote for me

Or I will eat your children. Vote!

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B3ta ad auction ends tonight

Only about 8 hours to go on B3ta’s landmark advertising auction and the bidding has just gone a nudge over 200 squid. UPDATE – Winning bid 404.90. Pity. I thought they’d crack a grand at least.

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 1 Comment

All your domains (ah, you know the rest)

Shmoo Group exploit: 0wn any domain, no defense exists: Shmoocon ended today. And just to prove The Shmoo Group wasn’t sitting on their asses for the entire time while planning the con – A new exploit was demo’d by EricJ … Continue reading

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Trackback spammers

Some complete jerk has – in the past 3 days – started a trackback-spamming effort (with multiple IPs) for his ‘online casino’ and ‘texas holdem poker’. He’s hit this site and Boris’s. If you’re quick, you’ll be able to see … Continue reading

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 7 Comments

Eclectic link dump #5

I have a few things to share with you…. Avery Ant is running for Pope. I thought you should know. Cleaning coins with Cillit BANG! This comes to us via the latest B3ta newsletter, and contains vital consumer information. EPIC … Continue reading

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Jamster Hamster-Dances their way into trouble

I wrote the Crazy Frog post because I initially suspected that Jamster had been a little (ahem) liberal with their approach to copyright. Happily, I was proved wrong. In that case. But now the ‘hilarious interweb virals’ range from Jamster … Continue reading

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Fresh images in Google Image Search

A word to the wise: the Google Image Search database appears to have been updated. Finally. (This only happens once every 12 months, which means that GIS is one of the crappiest aspects of Google’s service. But there’s new stuff … Continue reading

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Google combats comment spam

Google has a plan to combat comment spam. Movable Type, SixApart and Yahoo are on board. The problem is, we’ll know it works and the comment spammers will know it works… but will the people who get sold comment spam … Continue reading

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