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What do you think my chances are?

The Sun – Spotted a great blog?: HAVE you spotted a great topical blog on the internet? We are launching a new regular feature to exhibit the best of the online diaries on the web. The blog could include a first-hand account of a news story, a funny take on recent events, or tell an inspiring story. Send the link to and we will put the best ones on the website.

For the record: The Sun ran a short-lived print feature like this in September 2003… it lasted a day. They ran a feature on one blog on September 4 and then planned a feature on Bloggerheads for the next day. An online version of this article appeared that afternoon (see my entries from that day), but the print version due to appear on the 5th was pulled for some strange reason. I suspect it might have had something to do with my urging their readers to bare their bums at George W. Bush. The ‘ongoing’ blog feature was quietly discontinued.

(Heads-up via ScaryDuck.)

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

You did *what* to *how* many Iraqis?

To very important links via Chicken Yoghurt:

George Monbiot – The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq : The reporting of the Iraqi death toll – both in its scale and account of who is doing the killing – is profoundly dishonest.

Italian TV alleges U.S. used chemical weapons in Fallujah

See also: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Napalm

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A message to all ‘wobbly’ MPs: ignore the puppet show, look at the strings

Today you need to ask yourself one very important question; why are you being pressured on the basis of public opinion and not on the actual merits of proposed anti-terror powers?

The answer to that question lies behind the ‘public opinion’ itself; it’s a facade erected along familiar lines by some very familiar players.

The bold assurance that the public is behind this results from two hurried and widely discredited surveys; one conducted amongst Labour members and one commissioned by Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News.

And it’s Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper that today urges its readers to ‘shame their MP’, providing them with the relevant email addresses and with the opportunity to take part in yet another poll… this time when ‘yes’ is the only option (readers are urged to call 0906 361 2211 and register their support for the 90-day law; there is no number to call if you do not support this proposed legislation).

The Sun – Don’t let terror win: Today we urge our army of readers to demand their MP gives them every protection possible from terrorists. We have printed the names and e-mail addresses of the Parliamentary wobblers who voted against Tony Blair’s new Bill to make glorification of terror illegal – and who are likely to block the 90-day detention safeguard. Click here to find your MP and let them know EXACTLY what you expect them to do.

I’m sure I do not need to remind you that we were given similar assurances regarding another ‘imminent threat’… Iraq. Oh, and that it was the Sun newspaper that screamed the 45-minute WMD claim the loudest (and made the false claim that British troops in Cyprus were within range of these non-existent weapons).

This morning, on GMTV, a witless reporter held up a copy of the Sun and stated that this was a sign that the public fully backed Blair’s bold new initiatives. It is in this way that fiction becomes fact and our democracy is undermined.

This same GMTV reporter made the same ‘and there is so much more at stake’ claim raised by the Sun yesterday, that your failure to back the glorification bill threatened Blair’s premiership.

Finally, we get to the guts of it.

Regardless of what we can or cannot prove at this stage, the majority of the public hold the perception that Tony Blair manipulated intelligence in order to secure support for the invasion of Iraq. Then, too, we were urged time and again not to let the terrorists win, but any analyst not under Blair’s control will tell you:
– Iraq had no connection to Al Qaeda previous to this invasion
– That Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups were greatly enabled by this invasion (via the sudden release of millions of small arms & tonnes of explosives, the provision of a veritable playground in the Middle East, and – most dangerous of all – fodder that the terrorist groups could use for propaganda and recruitment).

Sadly, this is not something Tony Blair can admit. His current defence is as follows;

Nothing justifies terrorism, therefore any attempt to find a reason/cause behind the attacks on London can be dismissed out of hand.

Think about that…

1. Blair has to approach the ‘war’ on terror with a bloody big blind spot.
2. Because of the nature of the threat, Blair has to assure the public that he is operating in good faith on matters/facts/details/claims that – for reasons of national security – we cannot know about (when there is a very clear indication that he has abused this trust in the past).

Even if we depart from the central issue of terrorism, you need to acknowledge that the only people Blair can appoint to his cabinet or count on in the pursuit of his reforms have to have backed him over the war on Iraq then and continue to back him to this day. And anyone who can do that with a smile on their face is duplicitous, stupid or woefully misinformed. It’s no longer a case of the best man or woman for the job.

The closer you look at it, the more it appears that Blair’s position is untenable; the only thing that keeps him afloat is illusion and perception… and *this* is why you are being pressured on the basis of ‘public opinion’ and not on the actual merits of this proposed legislation.

Finally, it needs to be noted that – if you are not tempted by arbitrary numbers somewhere between 14 and 90 and if you are not comforted by the belated addition of a sunset clause – then your vote could very well result in Blair’s downfall…. but this is no reason to shy away from your decision. If anything, it should cast your vote in concrete.

The only way we can begin to approach terrorism sensibly, responsibly and effectively is to remove Blair.

The public needs to know that terrorism will not be tolerated – and neither will its manipulation for political gain.

And this is why – after you have voted against this legislation – you must also support the impeachment of Tony Blair.

Thank you for your time.

Tim Ireland

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Oh, well *done*, Little Johnny Howard

And to think that just yesterday we were chatting about Blair’s credibility-contribution in the run-up to the Iraq war…

BBC – Australia foils ‘terror attack’: Australian police say they have foiled a terrorist attack in the final stages of its preparation, after 16 people were arrested in Sydney and Melbourne… The operation came nearly a week after Australia’s anti-terror laws were changed to give police greater powers.

Sydney Morning Herald – Terror raids: It’s now a question of trust: This morning’s sweeping anti-terror raids in the suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne are reassuring, in that they demonstrate — or so we must hope — the effectiveness of our police and intelligence agencies. Yes, they were assisted, says the federal government, by the amendments passed last week by parliament, but they do not — yet — make the case for the more draconian changes ahead.


1. Bloggers: Note that the SMH is now allowing comments directly under editorials.

2. Members of the reality-based community: Note how similar the ditto-heads are to those who continually invade the BBC website. I especially love the ‘Surely we can trust our elected leaders?’ comments.

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Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

Hey, look what I just tripped over… a very large collection of UK public information films. Knock yourselves out.

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Curse you and your complacency

Guardian – Blair’s litany of failures on Iraq – ambassador’s damning verdict: Tony Blair repeatedly passed up opportunities to put a brake on the rush to war in Iraq, a failure that may have contributed to the country’s present anarchy, according to Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s ambassador to Washington at the time, in his book DC Confidential, serialised in the Guardian from today.

Sir Christopher Meyer – Seduced by the glamour of American power

BBC – Iraq war linked to terror – Meyer: Sir Christopher Meyer told The Guardian “there is plenty of evidence” that “home-grown terrorism was partly radicalised and fuelled” by Iraq. Sir Christopher, based in Washington until 2003, said: “Don’t tell me being in Iraq has nothing to do with it.” A Downing Street spokesman told the BBC that events in Iraq could never justify a resort to terrorism. Speaking to Five Live, the spokesman added that Number 10 was not in the business of issuing statements to help people sell books.

I left that ‘selling books’ comment in for anyone who has watched Outfoxed and remembers how the Richard Clarke matter was handled, but the real ‘tell’ is yet another appearance of the specific false dichotomy Blair has relied on heavily since the attacks of 7 July; that nothing justifies terrorism, therefore any attempt to find a reason/cause behind the attacks on London can be dismissed out of hand.

Ooh, look where we are…. July 7. Blair. Murdoch. False dichotomies.

A good a time as any to show you the Sun wheeling out a relative of one of the victims in order to shore up Blair’s push for 90-days…

Sun – Victory for TERROR: MPs opposed to new anti-terror laws were last night accused of handing victory to the bombers… Grieving June Taylor, whose 24-year-old daughter Carrie died in the blast at Aldgate, said: “I will be bitterly disappointed if this Terror Bill is not passed… If this bill does not pass, it will seem as if the lives lost on July 7th have been forgotten.”

There’s also a wonderful quote from Anne Widdecombe, but I leave the response on this front to Anorak: The Sun asks you to write to these forgetful MPs, and to listen to Ann Widdecombe. “If we now end up with 28 days and someone on the 29th day goes out and kills someone, where will that leave us?” It’s hard to say. But perhaps in a similar spot than if we end up with the full 90 says and someone on the 91st day goes out and kills someone, or everyone.

The Scum have also published a ‘list of shame’, so their readers may write to; the MPs of all parties who put Tony Blair’s premiership in peril last week by voting against the glorification of terror

OMG! They’ve sided with terrorists, they don’t care if you get blowed up and they’ve put Tony Blair’s premiership in peril! Something has to be done about these people before they destroy society as we know it.

UPDATE – Two very good posts; one on your shocking complacency and one on yet more dodgy polling, this time from Rupert Murdoch.

UPDATE – Andrew Hayman (Downing St head of PR London Met head of counter-terrorism) on BBC News just now said; “This is not a game, it requires serious debate.”

1. What? Excuse me, but what?! A serious debate is exactly what we’re being denied, with Blair and his cronies running dodgy polls and (yet again) climbing over the bodies of the dead in order to claim the moral high ground. And you’re in on it too, Andy, you muppet.

2. For a bonus 10 points, please complete this sentence: “The rules of the _________ have changed.”

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Let’s roll

Times – MPs unite for inquiry into Blair’s conduct over Iraq: Tony Blair is set to face an unprecedented parliamentary inquiry into his conduct in the run-up to the Iraq war. A coalition of Tory and Labour MPs is to table a motion to set up a Commons committee to examine “the conduct of ministers” both before and after the war. They believe they need the support of about 30 Labour rebels to succeed… The prime minister is the main target of the inquiry but in addition it will examine the conduct of Jack Straw, the foreign secretary, Geoff Hoon, then the defence secretary, and Lord Goldsmith, the attorney-general.

Contact your MP. Today. Tell them that you don’t vote for bystanders.

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Can you guess what this is, boys and girls?

PS – Has anyone noticed that – at Gordon Brown’s web page – one can only email Tony Blair?

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments

And at 7:10pm this evening… Tony Blair burns

Burning Blair(For those who came in late: Burning Blair.)

As you can probably tell from his healthy glow, Tony’s ‘teflon’ coating has been completed without fuss or bother; but a little extra work popped up this morning…

This A.M. I went to a boot sale for some eye-food and happened across an early paperback copy of Tony Blair’s 1996 book; New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country.

The scan you see to your right is from the first page I saw as I leafed through it, before parting with my hard-earned 20p to buy it. The highlighting isn’t mine, but that of the original owner.

The book is now planted deep inside his chest, along with a few other items.

You may also note one final touch… the badge.

Our local line-up of Guys is traditionally an affair for the young-uns, so I needed to classify my Blair Guy as something other than an entry… so he is now officially a Special Guest Judge (Jury & Executioner).

Less than 6 hours to go now….

I have two cameras to hand, one of which has (limited) video capabilities. I will do what I can to capture the moment.

UPDATE (8:10pm)
– A full report will be with you on Monday, but I need to note the following for the record while it’s fresh in my mind:

– Torrential rain was forecast for this evening (across the whole of southern England), and this was the only thing that could have stopped Teh Burning… but that rain never eventuated.

– I didn’t hear a cross word all night; every person who saw Tony (and realised what he was there for) was happy – and vocal – about it.

– Tony was given the most prominent position on the bonfire.

– As people arrived, almost every electrical torch was trained on Tony.

– When it came time to throw the kerosene torches that would ignite the bonfire, the majority of people aimed for Tony and often spoke of their intent before they did so.

– When Tony collapsed into the flames… people cheered. Loudly!

Tony Blair, your time is up. Please hand in your pass at the desk before you leave… and don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.

Oh no! Oh dear God, no!

I talked to a few people with better cameras than my own. With any luck, they’ll get in touch and send in their pictures/footage. I have some further photos, video and sound of my own to share with you… later.

Meanwhile, I’d like to close by quoting James Brown:

Wow. I feel good. I knew that I would.

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Rebekah Wade: brazen hypocrite

Have you seen the front page of today’s Sun? Someone besides the editor has been in a late-night brawl and the headline reads: CLOONEY GOES LOONY

1. Heh. Loony.
2. Why didn’t yesterday’s front page read ‘GINGER SNAPS’…?

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