Category Archives: Christ…

Jebus wants you dry

AP – Bush pushing for more faith-based funds: President Bush has succeeded in opening the checkbooks of five federal departments to religious organizations. Now he’s setting his sights on money doled out by the states. The goal is to persuade … Continue reading

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Carriers & Barriers – Condoms, AIDS and the HIV Virus

Thanks to this reworked tract by Jack Chick and this pamphlet from ‘Truth’ For Youth Teh Kids now ‘know’ that the AIDS virus is so small that it can pass through teeny-tiny holes in latex condoms. Summary: – The assertion … Continue reading

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Climate Change, Tsunamis, and The Rapture

Oh, you are so going to love this… From Joel Makower: A neocon climatologist… has condemned “environmental experts busily creating links between the recent tsunami and global warming” (though no such claims are being made). Others are busy blaming a … Continue reading

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Satan Claus strikes again!

The Ultimate Insult brings us another big fan of Santa, who writes: You ever noticed how easy it is to transform “Satan” from “Santa”? Just move the “n” to the end. And presto! “Satan” appears… Hmmm… An internet Google search … Continue reading

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Art for Jesus!

These are some Bible-rific images! The images are huge, so they download kind of slow… but do make time to check out this classic. The curly red hair on Mary is the icing on the fruitcake.

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The Silver Ring Thing – The Lies of Denny Pattyn

I watched yet another documentary on abstinence programmes last night, this one from the biased heathens at the BBC. There’s a further outline of the programme from the producer here. This one focused on the Silver Ring Thing, which already … Continue reading

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