Category Archives: Christ…

Jerry Springer – Never mind the bollocks….

Hurrah! We have an MP onside…. Lynne Featherstone – Jerry Springer: The Opera DVD: I’ll be writing to the Chief Exec of both Sainsbury’s and Woolworths asking them to change their minds – hope you do too. Emailing their customer … Continue reading

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The Jerry Springer DVD saga continues

I think Justin is on the money here regarding Sainbury’s, Woolworths and the Jerry Springer DVD. [Note – If this is news to you, catch up via this entry at Bloggerheads and the following article from the Independent: Major retail … Continue reading

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Stephen Green is foaming at the mouth again

Media Watch Watch – Woolworths, Sainsbury remove Springer DVD (lotsa links and comments here; go see) Independent – Stores bow to Christians and ban Jerry Springer DVD: Major retail chains have bowed to pressure from a tiny fringe Christian group … Continue reading

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You know what to do

Guardian – Christian group may seek ban on Qur’an Media Watch Watch – Ban the Qur’an [cough] nutter [/cough] It’s bloody great, isn’t it? Christian Extremists Vs. Muslim Extremists… and Our Glorious Leader (the man who gets testy when you … Continue reading

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You won’t believe a fish can walk, when you see:

Dinosaur Adventure Land! (via Popbitch) You want to go scroll straight down to ‘Watch Cartoons and Play Games’, where you are invited to join Danny’s Dinosaur Adventure: Join Danny, Joey, Kenny, and Ashley, on a great Dinosaur Adventure. Their teacher … Continue reading

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Jerry Springer – legal bid rejected

BBC – Springer Opera legal bid rejected: A bid to bring judicial review proceedings against the BBC for its broadcast of Jerry Springer – The Opera has been rejected. The Christian Institute said the BBC discriminated against Christians and breached … Continue reading

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Jerry Springer – Ofcom rules

Ofcom have ruled on the broadcast of Jerry Springer: The Opera. (Heads-up via Scaryduck.) You can read their findings here (PDF). You’ll find the JS:TO report under ‘Not in Breach’. Media Watch Watch have made a few comments and are … Continue reading

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As featured in the Book of Revelations

Obit: Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen Number of tears shed: 0

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Goodbye, Pope John Paul II

I’m sorry if you found my lack of faith disturbing.

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Jerry Springer: sticking a fork in it

Guardian – BBC rejects Springer complaints: BBC governors rejected a record 63,000 complaints from viewers over the decision to broadcast Jerry Springer – The Opera yesterday, prompting renewed criticism from offended Christian and “decency” campaigners. The governors’ programme complaints committee … Continue reading

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