Category Archives: Christ…

Broadcast Him!

Via The People’s Republic Of Newport comes a link that I know you’re going to have a lot of fun with… GodTube. Busy. Back soon.

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Please. Watch. This.

If you really want to understand the dangers of religious extremism, I urge you to watch the following programme (links in the review are mine)… The Doomsday Code – 7:00pm – Saturday 16 September – Channel 4 Radio Times (David … Continue reading

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Stephen “Chicken Shit” Green

Pandora (10 Aug): A rather unholy row at the Edinburgh Fringe: the Australian comic Jim Jeffries has been dropped from debating in the BBC1 religious affairs show Heaven and Earth this Sunday, following a run-in with the evangelical activists Christian … Continue reading

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Gazapalooza 2006

Guardian – Israel enters Gaza: Israeli forces bombed bridges, destroyed a power station and reoccupied areas of southern Gaza today as part of their attempt to free a kidnapped soldier. The Israeli army said the operations aimed to stop the … Continue reading

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Funding mentals

Observer – Schoolgirls are forced to take off chastity rings – or be ordered out of lessons: Heather and Philip Playfoot have spent almost two years in dispute with Millais School in Horsham, West Sussex, over their 15-year-old daughter Lydia’s … Continue reading

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Lest ye be judged

OK, I’ve watched the interview and have seen/heard the quote in context. I’ve gazed into those tear-filled puppy-dog eyes and have come to the following conclusion; Tony Blair did not state that Yahweh told him to invade Iraq. Rather, he … Continue reading

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Judge ye not

Independent – Blair: ‘God will be my judge on Iraq’: Tony Blair has proclaimed that God will judge whether he was right to send British troops to Iraq, echoing statements from his ally George Bush. And…. *cue* lighting bolt. (beat) … Continue reading

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Catching up with Stewart Lee and Stephen Green

Guardian – ‘Christian Voice is outside, praying for our souls … ‘ Media Watch Watch – Stephen Green “apoplectic” at JS:TO grant

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More BBC bloggage

Who Runs Britain? bloggage continues. Here is a mirror of my latest entry on the Today/BBC website. It relates to the segement broadcasted on Saturday, with panellists Richard Harries, Peter Atkins and Dr Farhan Nizami discussing the influence of religion. … Continue reading

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Effing and blinding

I’m finally in touch with someone other than a copy-n-paster at Woolworths regarding JS:TO, but they keep stonewalling me on the actual number of complaints, and I have yet to receive a straight answer to a straight question. I’m presenting … Continue reading

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