Author Archives: Tim Ireland
About Tim Ireland
Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.Grant Shapps: smoke and mirrors
In recent months, Grant Shapps has been issuing threats of legal action against some people who dared suggest that he was running ‘get rich quick’ schemes under the name Michael Green while he was an MP. Shapp’s aggrieved contention was … Continue reading
Tweet archive of @toryeducation, the abusive sock-puppet of Michael Gove and/or his SPADs
[TL:DR – Tories running the Department of Education sought to harangue and taunt their critics anonymously like playground bullies. Here is the evidence they tried to bury.] For over two years, an anonymous Twitter account endorsed by the Conservatives sought … Continue reading
Alex Wickham (‘top tabloid journo’) vs. John Cleese, Hacked Off and the facts
Yesterday I attended a rally for Hacked Off. While there, I observed Alex Wickham enter the room and take a front-row seat in the press box before thumbing away at his handheld device. Wickham and his cohorts like to downplay … Continue reading
Louise Mensch: Cry ‘Rape!’, and let slip the dogs of war
Over the weekend, the Sun on Sunday columnist and former Tory MP Louise Mensch began beating the drum for war in Iraq. The intensity and bloodlust was striking, and stood in stark contrast to the thoughtful quote in her Twitter … Continue reading
Dennis Rice and his conduct as ‘@TabloidTroll’
Over two years ago, in April 2012 to be precise, I became aware of a Twitter account by an anonymous tabloid journalist: @tabloidtroll. While maintaining pretensions of whistle-blowing, @tabloidtroll actually sought to attack those outside the industry who highlighted or … Continue reading
Back on deck and campaigning for Labour
Hi, folks. It may surprise some of you to learn that I have experienced a significant change in circumstances since I last blogged with any regularity. For those who don’t yet know, I will spell it out for you: @humphreycushion … Continue reading
Nadine Dorries misleads Parliament about her relationship with Andy Rayment
Short and sweet, folks. This is the tangled web one weaves… Nadine Dorries in a statement to the Parliamentary Standards Committee on 15 October 2013: “My business partners, who have nothing to do with me personally-he is just a business … Continue reading
Just me wearing a t-shirt out the front of Downing Street the other night. No biggie. You too can look this cool*. Find out more here. (*Come on, who are we kidding? There’s no way you could look this cool.)
Page 3 and the ‘News in Briefs’ lie exposed
Last week Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid flagship The Sun finally brought an end to the shameful practice of using Page 3 models to sell the opinions of senior editors to readers as if they were their own. This practice began under … Continue reading
Cute Font launches
It’s funny what life throws at you sometimes. For years I’ve been putting little notes to one side that describe ideas and projects I doubt I’ll have the time for. I showed one of these to Ms Humphrey Cushion a … Continue reading