Happy Birthday sound files (as WAV and MP3)

UPDATE – It is February 2021. The world is a very different place these days, but the good news is every version of Happy Birthday you could want is right here. You can probably ignore the rest of this page. It’s 16 years out of date.

I went on on a small interweb mission yesterday, trying to find an electric guitar verison of Happy Birthday (minus vocals) and found the Alta Vista Audio Search to be of enormous help.

Sadly, the only near-suitable sound file I found was this short version from this web page.

No matter. I did, on my journey, manage to find two kiddie-singing renditions, and they should both cheer you up no end:
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mariko-san!

I also found a bagpipe version of Happy Birthday and this web page celebrating the 60th birthday of Sharon Tate that simply wouldn’t be complete without the embedded sound file.

And, I would like you all to meet the following people, who each share unique musical abilities:
Linda McKechnie
Fran Friedman
Clay Aiken

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Here we go again….

BBC – US right attacks SpongeBob video
(link fixed)

New York Times – Conservatives Pick Soft Target: A Cartoon Sponge

Hooray for James C. Dobson.

UPDATE – Meet a fan of Mr Dobson.

UPDATE – My, my, my… what a lovely man he is.

Some Bush Supporters Say They Anticipate a ‘Revolution’: Dr. James C. Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family and an influential evangelical Protestant, said he had issued a warning to a “White House operative” who called yesterday morning to thank him for his help. Dr. Dobson said he told the caller that many Christians believed the country “on the verge of self-destruction” as it abandoned traditional family roles. He argued that “through prayer and the involvement of millions of evangelicals, and mainline Protestants and Catholics, God has given us a reprieve.”… “But I believe it is a short reprieve,” he continued, adding that conservatives now had four years to pass an amendment banning same-sex marriage, to stop abortion and embryonic stem-cell research, and most of all to remake the Supreme Court. “I believe that the Bush administration now needs to be more aggressive in pursuing those values, and if they don’t do it I believe they will pay a price in four years,” he said.

UPDATE – Let the word go out from this day forward:
SpongeDob Stickypants

Posted in Christ... | 4 Comments

Google combats comment spam

Google has a plan to combat comment spam.

Movable Type, SixApart and Yahoo are on board.

The problem is, we’ll know it works and the comment spammers will know it works… but will the people who get sold comment spam as a service know it works?

After all, there are still people who buy into the ‘listing your site with hundreds of search engines and directories’ line of bull because they think it will help with their link popularity.

For now, I think I’ll stick with registration. People who comment on this site contribute greatly to the content. I would think this warrants a little Google-juice. A ‘wipe-out’ tag like the one Google is planning pretty much destroys what I consider to be a natural, fair and valuable exchange system. So – for now – I’m keeping mine in place.

(OK, so abuse of the system by comment spammers is really to blame here… it’s just that outright amputation always comes as a bit of a shock. You sit there looking at what’s left of your limb and can’t help but wonder if there weren’t a way to save it.)

Posted in Teh Interwebs | 6 Comments

From Iraq to inauguration to Iran

So, here we are. The day of Bush’s inauguration.

A day or quiet protest for some.

Guardian – Protesters refuse to stand on ceremony: When President George Bush travels down Pennsylvania Avenue in his black limousine for today’s inaugural parade, he may detect a small ripple in the crowd as protesters symbolically turn their backs on his administration. That would be the stealth protesters of Turn Your Back on Bush, which plans to infiltrate the crowds of cheering Republicans along the parade route.

Ingrates! Haters of America! You’re the type that would spout rubbish like; “Ooooh, now Bush has his second term, he’s free to steal from his own people.”

You’re responsible for the world’s distorted view of Iraq! Why, even that nice Ms Rice appears confused.


So what’s day-to-day life in Iraq really like? One thing I do know is that even dogs aren’t safe. Nor are families out for a drive (be warned that image 3 will break your fucking heart, but it’s not tragic, merely unfortunate). Even soldiers are in for a hard time.

Well, there is hope. Free elections are mere days away.

But, Baghdad Burning (a personal weblog from Iraq that is not sponsored by the CIA) notes that nobody really knows the candidates. They’re all in hiding for fear of being shot like these poor fellas.

Of course, this only counts if you’ve actually registered to vote (more here) and haven’t sold your ballot to pay for food (see Baghdad Buring post above).

But if you do get to vote, you’ll know that one clear and strong choice is the cuddly Mr Allawi who cares enough to execute suspected insurgents personally (a Jordanian government minister has since claimed that this shooting was confirmed by an American official).

And this was the purpose of going into Iraq, right? After all, we’ve stopped looking for WMD and there’s no evidence WMD were smuggled out of Iraq before the invasion.

Or perhaps it was for humanitarian reasons. To save these people from a brutal regime. I keep forgetting. No matter. I’m sure everyone who’s been killed or ‘abused’ or tortured in the name of freedom appreciates it.

(Diversionary ‘abuse’ linkdump… The charges in full. Soldiers: We were obeying orders. Blair: Shocking, but not typical.)

And I’m equally sure it’s doing a world of good.

Retiring Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage expresses some specific regrets
Wired – Rice Acknowledges Bad Iraq Decisions
The Age – Bush admits Iraq war helped extremists

So, here we are. The day of Bush’s inauguration.

CNN – Poll: Nation split on Bush as uniter or divider

Guardian – World fears new Bush era: Tony Blair, in an interview with the Guardian, expressed hope that Mr Bush’s second term would prove to be more consensual than the first. He said there had been an evolution in US policy, witnessed by him in successive conversations with Mr Bush. “Evolution comes from experience,” he said. Mr Blair said that, as part of a learning process that began with the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, the US administration had reached the conclusion that “in the end, we can take security and military measures against terrorism but… the best prospect of peaceful coexistence lies in the spread of democracy and human rights”.

EarthTimes.og – Rice to repair and amend troubled relations with world powers

We can only assume this march of peace, freedom and democracy from the New Improved President will include a pre-emptive strike against Iran. And that the intelligence used to justify the strike will be as unbiased and reliable.

Guardian – Now US ponders attack on Iran
Steve Weissman – Target Iran. War with No End
BBC – Iran ‘will defend nuclear sites’
CNS – A Preemptive Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities: Possible Consequences
Scotsman – Iran Envoy Warns Bush Against Attacks

This morning on BBC Radio 4, I heard an American (did anyone catch his name?) arguing in favour of this because of Iran’s “possible intentions to pursue a nuclear capability programme” or some such nonsense. (How about that? Blair was right. Bush has learned a lesson or two!)


Look, just enjoy a recursive Hasslehoff, watch the latest JibJab movie and buy yourself a big red button of doom.

You’ll need to develop your sense of humour if you want to be able to deal with what’s coming.

UPDATE – Salon.com – The scandal sheet: Print it out, send it to Harry Reid, or just read it and weep. Here are 34 scandals from the first four years of George W. Bush’s presidency – every one of them worse than Whitewater.

Oh, and you can say anything you like on FOXNews about the inauguration… so long as it’s positive and fawning.

Posted in George W. Bush, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, The War on Stupid | 6 Comments

Stephen Green denies being the source of the Jerry Springer protest email

I have my answer from Stephen Green of Christian Voice regarding the circular at the centre of the Jerry Springer protests.

I asked him the following question via email on Jan 11:

Dear Mr Green,

Can you confirm that the email quoted below originated from Christian Voice as you suggest in this Guardian article?

And over the weekend I got this reply:

From: Christian Voice
To: Tim Ireland
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: FAO Stephen Green – JS:TO circular

Dear Tim,
Thank you for your email. No, that isn’t from me. I would not use that many explanation marks.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Green, M.A.
National Director, Christian Voice

Yesterday, I asked for permission to publish this answer… and for clarification that it did not come from him or from anyone else in his organisation. He just sent me this:

“It was not a Christian Voice email in any sense, nothing to do with us at all.”

So there’s my answer. I’ll continue to try and backtrack the email to its source. The information I get from my FOI request(s) should at least suggest the date it was first released, which will help a great deal with that backtracking.

The purpose of all this, of course, is to find the source of the email and demand (ahem) an exclamation.

Posted in Christ... | 2 Comments

Abuse of Iraqis by British troops: naming the bad apples

Well, isn’t that interesting? Richard Desmond appears to be trying to get on Tony’s good side by not running the images and instead reminding us what this fight is ‘really’ about… and that we could all get blowed up…

BBC – ‘Abuse’ pictures dominate papers: The Express is the only paper that does not feature images of alleged abuse on its front page. Instead the paper leads with a special investigation by two of its reporters trying to show “how easy it is for bombers to get into Britain”. It describes how they smuggled fake bombs across the Channel by boat, then took them to various places including the London Eye and Heathrow airport.

Normally, this is the kind of helpful stunt The Sun would pull.

For the record, I should note that I didn’t see a newspaper rack until late yesterday, but when I did I found that the Express also bigged-up the Omar Bakri Mohammed ‘story’. And today they continue the good work.

(Oh, and I haven’t seen a newspaper this morning, either… so I don’t know what the girl with the tits thinks.)

One would almost think that the Bakri matter was pushed/generated in expectation of the release of these pictures, in order to reach that fuzzy area in the back of people’s brains that still links the war in Iraq with the War on Terror… a link that in some small way is supposed to excuse these pictures.

In fact, while The Sun has run with the pictures today, they tie up the messy ends with the following neat little bow….

The Sun – Army’s shame: The country is asking one question today: How COULD the British Army let such terrible things happen? The truth is that only a few revolting individuals have allowed themselves to sink so low… The fine work of 99 per cent of our magnificent Army has been tarnished by a handful of morons. The Sun feels deep sympathy for the mistreated Iraqis, and we know our readers will too. The soldiers on trial must, if convicted, pay a heavy penalty. That is vital. We cannot afford to let the likes of Omar Bakri, the fanatical Muslim cleric, try to make mileage out of these events.

I’m sorry, but I feel the need to correct that middle sentence… The fine work of 100 per cent of our magnificent Army has been tarnished by a handful of morons that are in charge.

Blair! Hoon! Stop pretending to cry at the back there and pay attention! This concerns you.

The same strategists who worked so hard to link the invasion of Iraq with the War on Terror at home did equally fine work contributing to the mentality of our troops. Mix a getsomegetsomegetsome atitude with a false picture of the population you’re invading (Iraqis were responsible for 911, don’t you know), and you’re away.

Combine this with the practice of bagging/hooding that magically turns people into objects, and you have your very own recipe for disaster.

Of course, an incident like this happening so early in the war should have been a warning sign for someone senior along the way. Unless of course such a go-getter attitude was seen as a necessary evil. Or perhaps even a desirable attribute, given that someone would have to get tough sooner or later in order to track down those pesky WMDs. That never existed.

But what makes me angriest about this is that – while no-one is stupid enough to be quite as overt as Rumsfeld about it (though The Sun tries) – the same game to win hearts and minds that led to this is still being played in order to excuse it.

Iraq, Friendly Fire, Civilian Casualties, and a Total Lack Of Torture
Something Funny Happened On The Way To Abu Ghraib

UPDATE – Today’s topless totty has been moved to page 7. There, Ruthie (23, from Kent) is angered by photos of British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners and turns away from the camera to show a suitably respectful hint of nipple. She says: “Stories like this play right into the hands of our enemies. People who abuse prisoners should be punished.”

And by that she means pilloried.

Posted in Humanity, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Iraq: abuse by UK soldiers (graphic content warning goes here)

Guardian – Court martial told of soldiers’ ‘appalling’ abuse: Three British soldiers carried out “shocking and appalling” physical and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners that was photographed by servicemen, a court martial heard today. Twenty-two photographs were released by a British military court in Germany where the court martial of the three accused Royal Regiment of Fusiliers soldiers opened today. Among the disturbing images was a picture of two naked Iraqi men simulating anal sex with their thumbs raised up to the cameras. There was also a close-up picture of two Iraqis simulating oral sex.

Is it just me, or do these new pictures look disturbing familiar in theme and content?

Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear… how could this have happened?

UPDATE – Not connected to the above in any way, shape or form. By the way, none of this is real because the images the Mirror published were fake.

Posted in Humanity, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, The War on Stupid, Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

In search of the ultimate party animal

Next time you have a party, invite someone ‘famous’… or Paul.

Posted in Normal People | 2 Comments

OK, let’s try this again…

Hey everyone! Tom’s back!

Oh, and you just have to meet Rodney Hylton-Potts, who recently won the blink-and-you-miss-it mess that was Vote For Me.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments Off on OK, let’s try this again…

Rupa Huq mixes it up… up north

Election Watch launched a few days ago, and today warns that: If we’re not careful, this election campaign could turn very boring, very quickly.

I’ve heard this a few times from most political commentators and said so to this nice chap when we met the other night.

But Rupa Huq – the elder sister of that Konnie girl out of Blue Peter that recently ran in the European elections – will this time be running against Cheryl Gillan in Chesham & Amersham.

And she’s a DJ. I’m sure they’ll all be avin’ it large up north.

Note: Rupa was a good girl during the European elections, and closely followed Labour’s strategy of getting all tough on crime, like.

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments