Category Archives: Page 3 – News in Briefs

Keep your eyes on the sideshow

Try not to think about the implausible claims of WMDs. Try not to balance these claims with the fact that we used WMDs on Iraqis. We did – after all – bring democracy to that country! What’s that I hear … Continue reading

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The very moral agenda

Today, Page 3 stunna Neval (22, from London) believes Micahel Jackson’s career could be over despite his acquittal on child abuse charges. She says: “The case was a tremendous drain on him. Some people will always have their doubts about … Continue reading

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‘Everybody’ wants the chance to say No

Today Page 3 lovely Louise (19, from Manchester) thinks we should be given a chance to reject “the hated EU treaty” and adds: “Tony Blair promised us a referendum. Most Brits would jump at the chance to go to the … Continue reading

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EU must obey

Page 3 girl Becky (24, from London) is delighted with the French for voting “non” to the EU Constitution. She says: “It’s not often the French are our friends but they have done us proud.” How happy for Becky that … Continue reading

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Respect the cock

UPDATE (10 Jan 2006): Click here for the ‘give respect, get respect’ campaign. 1. Michael Howard is due to patrol Guildford High St from 10:30am this morning. If you’re in the area, I have a small favour to ask. 2. … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Rock The Vote UK (proprietor: Rupert Murdoch)

The Scum – Rock The Vote UK: In January the world watched in awe as eight million Iraqis braved terrorist slaughter to take part in the country’s first general election for a lifetime. In some parts of the ravaged country, … Continue reading

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Charles is in love, not in love… brave, not brave

8th April 2005 – Sarah (21, from Crawley) gets her jubblies out to welcome Charles and Camilla’s plan to confess “sins and wickedness” in their wedding prayers. She adds: Charlie’s really brave. He must love Camilla if he’s prepared to … Continue reading

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Remember our boys on the Malabar front!

Today Page 3 girl Nicola T (23, from Croydon) is “awestruck” by the bravery of Private Johnson Beharry, who has been awarded the VC. She says: “To put your life at risk the way he did, not once but twice, … Continue reading

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Living in a Tory wonderland

Murdoch’s bitch-slapping of Blair continues in The Sun, with news that the NHS is in crisis and patients are sleeping in offices. They urge you to buy today’s paper so you can; see the shocking picture that sums up the … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 1 Comment

The Sun: curious coincidences and warped priorities

You may recall that the Osbournes got robbed the last time (almost) everybody was talking about security measures and the legal advice given for the invasion of Iraq (November 22 and 23 2004) but I’m *pretty* sure The Sun doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The War on Stupid, Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on The Sun: curious coincidences and warped priorities